Currently migrating my blog from wordpress and other scattered sources.
Work Experience
Data Scientist
Data Scientist
Research Assistant
Stony Brook University, New York, USA
Aug 2009 - May 2015 | M.S and Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering (Fluid Mechanics)
College of Engineering, Kerala University, Trivandrum, India
Aug 2003 - May 2007 | B.Tech
Python, Matlab, R, html, Amazon States Language
Platforms and Version control
AWS, SageMaker, EC2, S3, Git, Step-Functions, Glue
Pytorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, scikit-learn
Other Tools and Strengths
Markdown, Jekyll, gitlab-CI/CD, Circle-CI, Photoshop, Illustrator, Python Package Development
Transformer award (Affine Analytics)
Best Poster Award – Annual Student Research Symposium (2012)
Fraçois Frenkel Award – American Physical Society – DFD (2012)
National Science Foundation – Research Mentoring Award (2012, 2011)
Physical ageing of spreading droplets in a viscous ambient phase, Scientific Reports, 8, 14159 (2018)
B M Jose, D Nandyala, T Cubaud, C E Colosqui
Role of viscosity coefficients during spreading and coalescence of droplets in liquids, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 111601(R) (2017)
B M Jose, T Cubaud
Dynamic Wetting, Self-assembly, and Coalescence of Droplets in Microchannels [Thesis], Stony Brook University, NY. (2015)
B M Jose
Formation and dynamics of partially wetting droplets in square microchannels, RSC Advances, 4, 14962 (2014)
B M Jose, T Cubaud
Droplet arrangement and coalescence in diverging/converging microchannels, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 12, 687 (2012)
B M Jose, T Cubaud
Droplet breakup and viscosity-stratified flows in microchannels, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 39, 29 (2012)
T Cubaud, B M Jose, S Darvishi, R Sun
Folded micro-threads - Role of viscosity and interfacial tension, Physics of Fluids, 23, 042002 (2011)
T Cubaud, B M Jose, S Darvishi